Hallandale High

Hallandale High welcomes you to this school year 2024-2025, stay safe and GO CHARGERS!!! All Athletic tickets must be purchased ONLINE ONLY at gofan.co.
Select Image Number Name Teacher/Sponsor Grade Course/Class Act. Date Price
2025 CHARGER YEARBOOK - BUSINESS CARD B0403-537 B0403-537 2025 CHARGER YEARBOOK - BUSINESS CARD Promote your business by purchasing a business card. Purchases can be made online at the e-store. :Hallandale High FIXED Forbes,Brandon N/A N/A N/A $25.00
2025 CHARGER YEARBOOK - HALF PAGE AD B0403-538 B0403-538 2025 CHARGER YEARBOOK - HALF PAGE AD Promote your business or show your support for our school community by purchasing a half page ad. Purchases can be made online at the e-store :Hallandale High FIXED Forbes,Brandon N/A N/A N/A $75.00
24/25 CHARGER YEARBOOK - REGULAR SALE B0403-536 B0403-536 2025 CHARGER YEARBOOK - REGULAR SALE Purchase the 50th Edition of HHS Yearbook here. While supplies last. Purchase online at the e-store only. :Hallandale High FIXED Forbes,Brandon N/A N/A N/A $85.00
2025 CHARGER YEARBOOK- QTR PAGE AD B0403-539 B0403-539 2025 CHARGER YEARBOOK- QTR PAGE AD Promote your business or show your support for our school community by purchasing a quarter page ad. Purchases can be made online at the e-store. :Hallandale High FIXED Forbes,Brandon N/A N/A N/A $50.00
24/25 BAND INSTRUMENT RENTAL B0403-519 B0403-519 24/25 BAND INSTRUMENT RENTAL 24/25 Band Instrument Rental. Instruments will be rented for use of the school year. Online payments only. :Deerfield Park Elementary FIXED Joseph,Rashaud N/A N/A N/A $20.00
24/25 CHEERLEADING DONATIONS B0403-VAR20 B0403-VAR20 24/25 CHEERLEADING DONATIONS 24/25 Cheerleading donations. Donations will be used for cheer activities, field trips, and competition. :Deerfield Park Elementary VARIABLE Smith,Eraka N/A N/A N/A $0.00
24/25 Military Ball B0403-556 B0403-556 24/25 Military Ball 24/25 Military Ball. JROTC will host their annual military ball. The cost for cadets will be $50, and non-cadets $55. The payments can be made online at e-store only. :Deerfield Park Elementary FIXED Thelusma,Ludzen N/A N/A N/A $0.00
24/25 SENIOR CLASS DONATIONS B0403-VAR19 B0403-VAR19 24/25 SENIOR CLASS DONATIONS 24/25 Senior class donations. Donations received will be used toward senior class activities. :Deerfield Park Elementary VARIABLE Smith,Eraka 12 N/A N/A $0.00
24/25 SENIOR PROM B0403-550 B0403-550 24/25 SENIOR PROM 24/25 Senior Prom can be paid online at the e-store. The cost of ticket is $186 in total, or three payments of $62. :Deerfield Park Elementary FIXED Smith,Eraka N/A N/A N/A $186.00
24/25 SENIOR PROM B0403-553 B0403-553 24/25 SENIOR PROM 24/25 Senior Prom can be paid online at the e-store. The cost of ticket is $186 in total, or three payments of $62. :Deerfield Park Elementary FIXED Smith,Eraka N/A N/A N/A $62.00
24/25 SGA T-SHIRT FUNDRAISER B0403-520 B0403-520 24/25 SGA T-SHIRT FUNDRAISER 24/25 SGA T-Shirt Fundraiser. The shirts will cost $15 each. The shirts are available for purchase online at the e-store and campus. :Deerfield Park Elementary FIXED Freeman,Erin N/A N/A N/A $15.00
24/25 SUNSHINE CLUB MEMBERSHIP DUES B0403-508 B0403-508 24/25 SUNSHINE CLUB MEMBERSHIP DUES 24/25 Sunshine Club dues :Deerfield Park Elementary FIXED Spence,Iquo-ote N/A N/A N/A $30.00
24/25 SUNSHINE CLUB POLO SHIRT B0403-509 B0403-509 24/25 SUNSHINE CLUB POLO SHIRT 24/25 Sunshine Club polo shirts. Polo shirt purchase for Sunshine Club members. :Deerfield Park Elementary FIXED Spence,Iquo-ote N/A N/A N/A $30.00
24-25 Parking Decals B0403-510 B0403-510 24-25 Parking Decals 24-25 Parking Decals - Please see Mr. Montalvo with paid receipt to receive decal. :Deerfield Park Elementary FIXED Riley,Terrence N/A N/A N/A $30.00
Transcripts B0403-407 B0403-407 Transcripts Include information in notes; student name, contact number, year of graduation, date of birth and name of College/University admission office. Transcripts can be ordered online up to 5 years prior. :Deerfield Park Elementary FIXED Smith,Eraka N/A N/A N/A $3.00
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